The Biggest Shopping Day in Pepperell, MA!
The 17th Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale will be held Saturday May 3, 2025 (rain or shine).
Streamline your bargain-hunting! An official map that includes all of the registered Yard Sales will be available at The Fitz starting at 7:00am on the day of the sale for just $5 each. This small donation is an incredible bargain as the map includes not only locations, but hours, and items for sale!
Help us register 50+ yard sales around town! You can support our successful fundraising effort by registering your yard sale, and/or by purchasing an official TWYS map & shopping!
Registration to get on the TWYS map is open until April 18th and is $25. If you register by April 18th, your address will be put in a numbered order along the route.
After April 18th, you may still register your Yard Sale for $30. Your address will be added to the map, but will NOT be in numbered order.
Maps will include addresses, times, a brief description of what will be at each yard sale!
FINAL DEADLINE to Register your yard sale: Monday April 28th by 5pm!
All Map Registrants will receive:
- Advertising via area newspapers
- Online publicity via Facebook
- Signage, including an assigned number and arrow signs that corresponds to your location on the Official Event Map.
Proceeds from the sale will go toward maintaining and improving Pepperell’s Big Back Yard playground and recreation space.
Volunteers Needed!
Contact us today!
We are in need of volunteers to help make this year’s Town Wide Yard Sale a success!
Help with creating maps, generating the list of yard sales, and staffing the event on May 3 would be greatly appreciated!
NO experience needed, just your enthusiasm and a willingness to jump in!